Pietro Aretino Theater and Guido d’Arezzo Foundation in collaboration with Murmuris
SPECTATORS THE GREAT REUNION #6 (click here for italian version of the program)
National appointment of groups of spectators in Italy, groups of spectators adhering to projects of training and involvement of the public from all over Italy, meet in Arezzo to share motivations, desires, visions of the theater audience.
Luca Lòtano talking about Literacy Act experience_ photo Mara Giammattei
The goals of the 2030 Agenda are ambitious and the processes to be activated can no longer be postponed. Sustainable development is the real goal: progress that brings wellbeing, services and health to all, and stops exploiting people and resources in an unfair way.
Culture risks remaining on the margins, but instead it is an accelerator of the renewal process. Knowledge is a vehicle for information and awareness, education, work, technological innovation (points 4, 8 and 9 of the agenda) are rooted in the spread of culture and look to knowledge as a goal and a tool.
Gender equality, responsible consumption and sustainable communities (points 5, 11 and 12) are themes that cultural operators, especially theatrical ones, look to, both as the content of their productions and as operational methods of participation in public affairs. We are all citizens first and foremost, before being consumers, spectators or tourists, and each of our actions must have the clear value that small virtuous actions have.
photo Mara Giammattei
Today, being better citizens means sharing the 2030 Agenda, it means activating, each in his own small way and in his own role, that virtuous circle made of important daily choices. Being a spectator means living in a community, having an open, critical and vital look at reality, it means knowing oneself and knowing how to choose. For oneself and for others.
We have involved three experts to whom we will ask the most important questions, declining the theme of sustainability of culture in 3 areas:
-environment with ILARIA VIOLIN vice-president Legambiente Arezzo;
-language with VERA GHENO essayist, linguist and translator;
-society with VITTORIO IERVESE professor of sociology of culture and communication services.
Viewers will be involved in an intensive two-hour workshop in which they will be stimulated to discuss these issues. Under the guidance of the three experts, the groups will write a sort of letter that will be given to the children of the schools of Arezzo, in an ideal relay race for their future and that of our planet.
At the end of the workshops, the groups will return to the assembly to share the results of the process.
This website is one of the final products of the project “LiteracyAct – Basic literacy, transversal skills and competences for adult migrants”, Erasmus Plus KA2 Adult Education N.2020-1-IT02-KA204-080084
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