Transnational meeting in Bruxelles. A video story

On the 9th and 10th of December we joined our partners of Literacy Act in Brussels Belgium for our transnational meeting. Literacy Act is a European project that promotes language learning for migrants through theatre techniques. This project has six partners from five different countries including Mobilizing expertise in Sweden. We have two Italian partners, one partner from Brussels, Belgium, Berlin Germany and one from Cyprus.

Due to the Covid we were not able to meet face to face and this first meeting face to face was a good opportunity to share our methodologies among partners. Sharing our experiences gave us motivation to work further on quality results. This can also bee seen in the video and picture below.

Here is a video that shows clips of our experience and activities. 

We look forward to our next training and meeting in Berlin at the end of March. To read more about this project views the project website or our website at the following links.

Literacy Act – Basic literacy, transversal skills and competences for adult migrants through Community Theatre

Literacy Act – Mobilizing Expert (