A playlist of videos to supplement the sharing experience and to facilitate reproducibility of LiteracyAct activities

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Medeber Teatro

1) Oral production of Phonemes
by MEDEBER TEATRO – Workshop leader Francesco Moraca

The specific objective of the proposed activity is to help each participant work on several levels simultaneously: Breathing, Articulation, Intonation and Pronunciation, as well as to strengthen and enrich their vocal expressive range.


2) Oral expression exercise “I see…”
by MEDEBER TEATRO – Workshop leader Francesco Moraca

Developing an individual written and spoken dramaturgy.


1) Mimic me exercise
by ULEARN EDUCATION CENTRE – Workshop leader Marinos Eftychiou

A theatrical activity which encourages participants to observe and then mimic each other’s voice, tone, body moves and gestures.

2) Collective creation exercise
by ULEARN EDUCATION CENTRE – Workshop leader Marinos Eftychiou

An exercise which facilitates visual literacy and observation skills. Participants are asked to observe an image carefully, select a detail from this image and enact it by taking frozen positions in order to represent it .

3) Team bonding exercise
by ULEARN EDUCATION CENTRE – Workshop leader Marinos Eftychiou

An activity which enables participants to relax, feel safe and secure in an environment where our body movements and voice are used freely and without limitations. This fosters understanding and creates strong team dynamics and bonding.


1) Puppetry and autobiographical workshop
by ASINITAS – Workshop leader Fabiana Iacozzilli, Antonia D’Amore and Asinitas

A short description of the different uses of paper puppets, in a theatre workshop aimed at migrant adults learning a language. From the self-construction of paper giants, to their use in dramaturgical construction and as an inspiration for linguistic work.

2) Spectatorship workshop
by Asinitas – Workshop leader Luca Lòtano, Federica Mezza and Giorgio Sena

This tutorial illustrates the practice of intercultural spectatorship, experimented within the Attraversamenti Multipli festival in Rome. It is the story of how a intercultural  editorial board told a festival: attending the shows together, discussing them in editorial meetings, meeting artists and publishing online reviews, contributions and reflections.

3) The memory of my home
by ASINITAS – Workshop leader Fabiana Iacozzilli, Antonia D’Amore and Asinitas 

Description of a workshop practice of an object creation, aimed at the language teaching through self-narration and at the construction of a collective narrative to perform on stage.


1) Naming objects with kinetic learnings
by Sozial Label – Workshop leader Olivia Meyer – Montero and Amal Teresa Al Shaban

Getting familiar with news words in the foreign language in a playful way

2) Collective creative moment exercise
by Sozial Label –  Workshop leader Olivia Meyer – Montero and Amal Teresa Al Shaban

This Video is shown as an exercise with the aim to improve linguistic knowledge through interaction and developing as a result a little story.

3) Embodyng our different languages
by Sozial Label –  Workshop leader Olivia Meyer – Montero and Amal Teresa Al Shaban

In this exercise the workshop-leader wants to make the participants aware where they feel their different foreign languages inside the body. They are asked to move these parts one at a time.


1) Group dynamic – 
by Mobilizing Expertise – workshop leader Necmettin Meletli

“Group dynamic is most important part, especially for the group is the first time come together”

2) Name performances
by Mobilizing Expertise – workshop leader Necmettin Meletli

The main part of ‘creative drama’ is focalized mostly on improvvisation and on the process that participants have been created

3) Paper planes
by Mobilizing Expertise – workshop leader Necmettin Meletli

“How to make the learned outcome visible and give a chance to people to name emotion and feelings”