Asinitas works in education and social intervention, promoting activities aimed at the care, education-training, reception and documentation of migrants and migration. Its actions are addressed to minors and adults, Italian and foreign people. Asinitas’ headquarters is in Torpignattara, a neighbourhood on the eastern outskirts of Rome marked by the high presence of foreign residents. This area is also characterized by the presence of many official shelters for migrants and illegal occupations hosting a lot of foreign people. 
Asinitas activities are aimed at asylum seekers, migrants, foreign women with children, and take place in an intercultural centre in Rome, where we carry out:
– experimental courses for teaching the Italian language L2
– manual-expressive and artistic workshops
– theatre workshops
– a listening space for Italian and foreign women and families, for social, health and legal support

Asinitas also carry out (in Rome and other Italian cities) training and professional orientation courses for teachers, social workers and educators on the subject of interculturalism and the approach in working with migrant people.
